Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Enabling Workflows for Site Content Type - Form

The default installation of the MOSS 2007 does not allow a user to associate a workflow with a form content type in a form library.

If you notice when you add a form to a form library and click on the drop down, the workflows option will not be available. If you add a document to a document library, the workflows option is available.

How can we then associate an individual workflow to a content type accross the site. Below are the steps:

  1. Go to the Top Level Site. Site Actions - Modify Settings - Modify All Site Settings.
  2. Under Galleries, click on Site Content Types.
  3. Under Document Content Types, click on Form.
  4. Click on Workflow settings.
  5. click on Add a workflow. Build your workflow by selecting one of the built-in workflows available.
  6. Give the workflow a name.
  7. Click Next.
  8. In the Default Workflow Start Values, if you want the user to define the Approvers manually upon the initiation of the workflow make sure the "Allow changes to the participant list when this workflow is started" is checked.
  9. Complete the rest of the settings and click OK.
  10. When the page has reloaded, click on "Update all content types that inherit from this type with these workflow settings".
  11. If you go back to the form library and click on an individual form, you'll notice that workflows option now appears. If you click on Workflows, you should be able to see the worklfow you've just configured and select on it.

The benefits of this is if you have a single content type that you want to have a workflow associated with it or an option of associating a workflow with it, this should be the ideal way to do it.

If not you can Go to an individual Form Library and click on Settings - Form Library Settings. Then follow steps 4-9. With this the workflow is only associated to that individual library.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Upgrading the Microsoft VPC MOSS 2007 B2 Image on Tech DVD to B2 TR

Uninstalling Microsoft Office Mondo 2007 and Installing Microsoft Office 2007 (Beta)

Step1: Uninstall Office Mondo 2007 (Beta)

1. Go to Control Panel - Add and Remove Programs.

2. Select Microsoft Office Mondo 2007 (Beta), click Remove.

3. Click Yes when the dialog box pops up to remove Microsoft Mondo 2007.

Note: If you’re prompted to restart. Restart.

Step 2: Install Microsoft Office Professional 2007 (Beta)

1. Run the Microsoft Office product DVD

2. Select Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2007 (Beta)

3. Enter the VL Product Key when prompted.

4. Accept the License Agreement.

Note: Steps 5a and 6a optional if you’re after .NET Programmability Support for InfoPath.

5a. Click on Customize.

6a. Select “Run from Computer” for Visual Studio Tools for Applications.

7. Click on Install Now.


Step 3: Install Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007 (Beta)

1. Run the Microsoft Office product DVD

2. Select Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007 (Beta)

3. Enter the VL Product Key when prompted.

4. Accept the License Agreement.

5. Click on Install Now.

Note: Install all other Microsoft Office 2007 Beta Products before performing the upgrade. E.g. Microsoft Office Groove 2007, Microsoft Office Visio Professional 2007, etc.

Updating MOSS 2007 Beta 2 to Beta 2 Technical Refresh

Step 1: Confirm the Version of MOSS 2007

1. Go to SharePoint Central Administration

2. Click on Site Actions, select Site Settings.

3. Ensure the Version is

Note: This can be checked under the Site Settings of any site.


Step 2: Uninstall Microsoft Windows Workflow Foundation Runtime Components Beta 2.2 (Build 3807.7)

1. Go to Control PanelAdd and Remove Programs.

2. Select Windows Workflow Foundation, click Remove.

3. Click Yes when the dialog box pops up.


Step 3: Install Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0

Note: This installs Windows Workflow Foundation version 4203.2.

1. Accept the terms, click on Install.

2. Click Exit to finish installation.


Step 4: Turn Off the Office SharePoint Server Search service

1. Go to Start - Programs - Administrator Tools - Services. / Control PanelServices.

2. Select Office SharePoint Server Search and click on Stop.


Step 5: Turn Off the Windows SharePoint Services Search service

1. Go to SharePoint Central Administration.

2. Click Operations, and then select Services on Server from the Topology and Services section.

3. Find Windows SharePoint Services Search, and click Stop.

4. Click OK when the dialog box pops up.


Step 6: Run the WSS Technical Refresh Update

1. Start the update installation by double-clicking the update file.

2. Accept the End User License Agreement (EULA), and then click Continue.

3. After you accept the EULA, a confirmation dialog box is displayed. Click Yes.

4. Clicking Yes will start installation, beginning with the extraction of the update files.

5. After the update installation has finished, a dialog box will be displayed advising that additional components will require updating.

6. Click OK.

7. Another dialog box will pop up informing that the installation of the Beta 2 Technical Refresh for Windows SharePoint Services is complete.

8. Click OK.


Step 7: Run the MOSS Beta 2 Technical Refresh Update

1. Start the update installation by double-clicking the update file.

2. Accept the End User License Agreement (EULA), and then click Continue.

3. After you accept the EULA, a confirmation dialog box is displayed. Click Yes.

4. Clicking Yes will start installation, beginning with the extraction of the update files.

5. After the update installation has finished, a dialog box will be displayed advising that additional components will require updating.

6. Click OK.

7. Another dialog box will pop up informing that the installation of the Beta 2 Technical Refresh for Windows SharePoint Services is complete.

8. Click OK.


Step 8: Upgrade Configuration and Sites

1. Go to All Programs on the Start menu, click Microsoft Office Server, and then click SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard.

2. A dialog box will pop up, click Yes.

3. Click Next to continue.

4. A dialog box will pop up informing that the following services will be reset during the configuration. Click Yes.

5. Click Next to continue.

6. A message is displayed asking you to run Setup on the remaining servers in the farm. Ignore this; click OK to continue.

7. The process will upgrade and update all the sites to Beta 2 Technical Refresh. Upon completion of the process, there will be a confirmation.

8. Click on Finish.


Verify that upgrade is completed by reviewing the upgrade log.

The upgrade.log file, located at %windir%\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\LOGS, contains information about your update.

When the update is complete, the log file will finish with the string "upgrade session has finished". The log will also report if there are any errors or warnings. If errors or warnings have occurred, determine your next action based on information in the log file.

Step 9: Upgrade InfoPath Forms Services and workflow forms

1. Run the following from the command line

%windir%\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\Bin\stsadm.exe –o reconvertallformtemplates

Step 10: Starting the WSS Search Service

1. Go to SharePoint Central Administration.

2. Click Operations, and select Services on Server from the Topology and Services section.

3. Find Windows SharePoint Services Search, and then click Start.

4. Fill in the required fields, and click Start. You should choose a different default search database name to start this service.

5. Click Start.

Step 11: Run the Office 2007 Beta 2 Technical Refresh Update

1. Start the update installation by double-clicking the update file.

2. Accept the End User License Agreement (EULA), and then click Continue.

3. After you accept the EULA, a confirmation dialog box is displayed. Click Yes.

4. Clicking Yes will start installation, beginning with the extraction of the update files.

5. After the update installation has finished, a dialog box will be displayed advising that additional components will require updating.

6. Click OK.

7. Another dialog box will pop up informing that a reboot needs to be done to complete the installation of the Beta 2 Technical Refresh for Microsoft Office 2007.

8. Click Yes.


Step 12: Run the SharePoint Designer 2007 Beta 2 Technical Refresh Update

1. Start the update installation by double-clicking the update file.

2. Accept the End User License Agreement (EULA), and then click Continue.

3. After you accept the EULA, a confirmation dialog box is displayed. Click Yes.

4. Clicking Yes will start installation, beginning with the extraction of the update files.

5. After the update installation has finished, dialog box will pop up informing that a reboot needs to be done to complete the installation of the Beta 2 Technical Refresh for Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007.

6. Click OK.


To download the steps above accompanied with screenshots, click here.

Friday, September 15, 2006

"Wait for value to equal value" action in SharePoint Designer 2007

Some of the experiences I've had with building a workflow in SharePoint Designer 2007. If you're working with the "Wait for value to equal value" action and then "Send an email" action, take note of these:

  • Make sure outgoing email settings are enabled on the server.
  • If the server goes down (or iisreset) while the workflow is paused, then the email will never be sent.
  • If using on-edit, subsequent edits to the same list item will not start the workflow again until the first one has finish - there is no queuing attempts to start the same workflow on the same list item, they will be ignored.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Getting Mobile in Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server 2007

To get working on the mobile part of MOSS, what you'll need to do is download the Microsoft Windows Mobile Emulator. Follow steps for downloading the emulator, there are three download files. It's best that you install the emulator on the server hosting MOSS. Don't have to worry too much about the networking.

The emulator will allow you to emulate a PDA or Smartphone. I'm more interested in the PDA for now. So below are the steps to get the emulator working and having your first peek at MOSS on a mobile device.

  1. To setup the emulator- install the Virtual Machine Network Services Driver, Emulator Images for Windows Mobile 5.0 with Messaging and Security Feature Pack, Microsoft Device Emulator 1.0 .
  2. Start the PocketPC-ColdBoot from the Start menu.
  3. Map your physical network card to the device [File > Configure > Network Tab > Enable ‘NE2000 PCMCIA adapter and bind to’ and click ‘OK’].
  4. In the Windows Mobile interface [Start > Settings > Connections > Network Cards].
  5. Choose 'The Internet' on the 'My netword card connects to' drown down list.
  6. Click on 'NE2000 Compatible Adapter'
  7. Configure the IP Address and Name Servers to be in the same network environment as the MOSS server (ensure that the subnet mask is the same).
  8. Click on 'OK' till you're all completed and back at the home screen.
  9. On the Emulator application, disable and enable the network card mapping [ File > Configure > Network Tab > Enable ‘NE2000 PCMCIA adapter and bind to’] , the icon will change briefly on the mobile device screen.
  10. Once you've been reconnected, launch Internet Explorer from the Start menu in the mobile device.
  11. Type your portal url with a /m at the end. E.g. http://moss2007/m
  12. Enter your login credentials and the mobile home of the portal will appear!