Enabling Workflows for Site Content Type - Form
The default installation of the MOSS 2007 does not allow a user to associate a workflow with a form content type in a form library.
If you notice when you add a form to a form library and click on the drop down, the workflows option will not be available. If you add a document to a document library, the workflows option is available.
How can we then associate an individual workflow to a content type accross the site. Below are the steps:
- Go to the Top Level Site. Site Actions - Modify Settings - Modify All Site Settings.
- Under Galleries, click on Site Content Types.
- Under Document Content Types, click on Form.
- Click on Workflow settings.
- click on Add a workflow. Build your workflow by selecting one of the built-in workflows available.
- Give the workflow a name.
- Click Next.
- In the Default Workflow Start Values, if you want the user to define the Approvers manually upon the initiation of the workflow make sure the "Allow changes to the participant list when this workflow is started" is checked.
- Complete the rest of the settings and click OK.
- When the page has reloaded, click on "Update all content types that inherit from this type with these workflow settings".
- If you go back to the form library and click on an individual form, you'll notice that workflows option now appears. If you click on Workflows, you should be able to see the worklfow you've just configured and select on it.
The benefits of this is if you have a single content type that you want to have a workflow associated with it or an option of associating a workflow with it, this should be the ideal way to do it.
If not you can Go to an individual Form Library and click on Settings - Form Library Settings. Then follow steps 4-9. With this the workflow is only associated to that individual library.
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