Friday, December 28, 2007

The Archive Database in Project Server 2007

The archive database in project server 2007 isn't really a database that facilitates a functionality of archiving projects. The archive database is the database used to backup projects to and restore projects from.

The projects will still exists in the Draft and Published Databases.Looks like archiving of projects will still need to be done in a way as described in this link.

Another interesting information on the backup of databases is the backup is an all or nothing process but the restoring of a project can be done on an individual basis.


fbi said...

But is this real archiving what is described in the MSProjectExperts article? It seems not to me. Project Data still remains in the project server databases.
I am looking for a solution to archive project data (and the wss workspaces) together externally.

Does anyone know?

Frank Binöder

Joshua said...

No it's not real archiving as we know it Frank.

There are 2 things to consider, one is the archiving of the project, once you decide to remove the project information, you might loose historical data which might help make decisions.

Always ask 'Why are we archiving?' Is it to free space? Regulatory requirements? Etc.


Anonymous said...

if you remove a project from an enterprise production server will the project information still be available when doing a data analysis query?